ATi: Automatisches Treiberupdate kommt

Volker Rißka
37 Kommentare

In einem Interview der Seite Driverheaven mit den Produkt-Managern Terry Makedon und Andrew Dodd von ATi, kamen viele interessante Informationen ans Tageslicht. Dabei geht es natürlich in erster Linie umd die Catalyst-Treiber, um das Catalyst Control Panel (CCC) und vieles weitere mehr.

Allan (Driverheaven): There is a lot of untapped potential with CCC right now, can you hint at any possible future additions to the suite, any cool functionality to be added soon? Will automatic driver update feature appear in 2005?

Catalyst Download Manager
Catalyst Download Manager

Andrew (ATi): Automatic updates will be coming in 2005, as will the incorporation of HYDRAVISION into CCC. Some of the other features coming, include the new Color Radiance slider, a lot of new video functionality, new functions added to the CCC system tray, full support for the entire RADEON series of products, new HDTV functionality/wizard, plus a ton of other stuff, but I don“t want to give everything away ?

Aber auch dem derzeitigen Sorgenkind, dem Catalyst Control Center (CCC), geht es in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten an den Kragen. Viele Benutzer klagen derzeit über mangelnde Performance oder andere Probleme und greifen lieber auf die Treiberversion mit dem altgedienten Control Panel zurück.

Andrew (ATi): The last year has been fantastic for CATALYST. Every monthly CATALYST release delivers the latest and greatest that our software team has developed. I think it“s an extremely good thing that our end users are always playing with the latest ATI software. As far as the CATALYST Control Center goes I think it was received quite well, but as with all new products there are areas we can improve. We will continue to focus on improving performance, adding new features, etc. to make it the absolute best product available. When Microsoft releases .NET 2.0 (there is an early beta available, but it is missing a lot of the fixes required), in spring 2005 we will see another improvement in performance. I am very confident that in the coming months we“ll see CCC running faster and introducing a lot of really cool features, like application manager, etc.

Auch die Arbeiten an der Nachfolgeversion des Catalyst 4.x-Treibers laufen derzeit nach Plan. Mit dem ersten Treiber ist bereits im Januar zu rechnen.

Andrew (ATi): I just tried out the Smartshader effects for both Direct 3D and OpenGL and they seem to work fine (I have an alpha of CAT 5.2 on my system :-). [...]

Wer noch viel mehr über ATi in Erfahrung bringen will, dem sei das komplette englischsprachige Interview ans Herz gelegt.

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