English for runaways

"Holla the forestfairy!" - Holla die Waldfee!
"Old swede!" - Alter Schwede!
"Potz lightning!" - Potz Blitz!
"Human Meier!" - Mensch Meier!
"Oh, you big egg!" - Ach du großes Ei!
"Eggthedaus!" - Eiderdaus!
"Lick the goat!" - Leck die Ziege!
... :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bridax schrieb:
"Holla the forestfairy!" - Holla die Waldfee!
"Old swede!" - Alter Schwede!
"Potz lightning!" - Potz Blitz!
"Human Meier!" - Mensch Meier!
"Oh, you big eg!" - Ach du großes Ei!
"Egthedaus!" - Eiderdaus!
"Lick the goat!" - Leck die Ziege!
... :D

You mean

"Oh, you big egg!" - Ach du großes Ei!
"Eggthedaus!" - Eiderdaus!

Right? ;)
They are eating me the hairs from the head.
Für mich macht das gar keinen Sinn und ist nichtmal soo lustig. Die Sätze sind einfach Gramatisch Falsch mehr steckt da nicht hinter.
Ich finde man sollte sich nicht drüber lustig machen sondern es besser machen.

Das Problem dahinter ist man merkt sich schlechtes/falsches schneller der grund ist weil es lustig klingt und man es gelesen hat.

Seriously, mate. It isn't like we couldn't, but in any case it might be rather amusing to see how other people mangle the language, whether it be their native tongue or some other.

I'd advise you to take these posts with a pinch of salt and a laughing eye towards your own imperfections. Of course you'd never misspoken, every translation and every equivocation crystal clear to your audience.

Mind your own business, if you cannot laugh at yourself.
Who can outshare, must can oneplug too.

Middlerwhile falls me up, that we really have to press the schoolbench again.
Mr.nobody schrieb:
Für mich macht das gar keinen Sinn und ist nichtmal soo lustig. Die Sätze sind einfach Gramatisch Falsch mehr steckt da nicht hinter.
Ich finde man sollte sich nicht drüber lustig machen sondern es besser machen.

Das Problem dahinter ist man merkt sich schlechtes/falsches schneller der grund ist weil es lustig klingt und man es gelesen hat.


You funbrake! :evillol:
You jokebiscuit!
  • I have no buck on socialcustomer overovertomorrow, because we have an ugly houseupgift up. :(
  • When you on the street a squarred mirroregg see, then you must know, you are on a beforedrivingroad, what under other means, that you are allowed to hold outerplace at the drivepathedge.
  • Here is hops and malt lost.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
That the thread becomes closed, full openviewable. Valid, you can ask questions ....
Fetter Fettsack schrieb:
That the thread becomes closed, full openviewable.
Then I will read you the levites. ;)

Here divides itself the chaff from the wheat.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I have not the competence for a thread to close. Me is only a simple redactor.
  • You are me one.
  • I make me to the monkey.

Me is longwhily, thatshalf post I here such a cheese.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swiss witch-bitches, wish to watch three swiss swatch watch switches. Which swiss witch-bitch which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, whish to watch which swiss swatch watch switch?