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Steam Freundesanzahl begrenzt?


Aug. 2005

der Name des Threads sagt eigentlich schon alles. Hab 2 Leute gegen die ich PES 2015 spiele (neuerdings über Steam) und beide haben Level 0 und können keine weiteren Freunde hinzufügen. Wenn andere sie einladen können sie annehmen.
Ja, die Anzahl der Freunde ist begrenzt und abhänging vom eigenen Account LVL.

Hier die "Konditionen":
Q: Where did the "Friends" button in-game go to?
A:Friends in-game support is now provided by the overlay exclusively.

Q: Can I make my friends list private?
A:If your profile is set "private", then your friends list is not visible to others. If your profile is set "friends only", then your friends list is only available to your friends.

Q: What is the friends list size limit? Why isn't it larger?
A:You can only have 250 friends on your list. This number includes active and blocked friends as well as invites. You'll get a bonus of 50 more friends (for a total of 300) if you've activated Facebook integration with your profile. It does not include blocked users who are not friends. The size of the friends list is rather arbitrary, but we keep a limit on it for now to help mitigate spam just a little.

The storage for all the friendship information in Community takes about six gigabytes. This number obviously grows as we add features and more users arrive at the site. Increasing the number of friends each users allows increases system load in a couple of different ways. One is that status updates get sent to more users; each time you change from being "online" to "in game" to "busy" and back, Steam must send out a notification of the change of state to all your friends so they can see your status. The more friends you have, the more processing and network bandwidth this requires.

With some recent upgrades, I think we have plenty of power and storage available for maintaining the list, and network bandwidth isn't a problem. A remaining concern is making the friends list more manageable. Searching through 100 or 150 users on your list right now isn't too pleasant, so I'd like to make enhancements to the UI before increasing the list size. Right now (January, 2011) there are less than 3% of users who are over 200 users on their friends list. While we understand the limit can be inconvenient, we're working on adding features to make the problem better as soon as we can.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: (Spoiler)
Danke, das komische ist das einer 46 Freunde und der andere 3 Freunde hat. Sie haben halt nur PES als Steamspiel und leveln ist damit eher nicht. ^^
Haben sie schon ein Spiel gekauft? Wenn man nur F2P Spiele hat, kann man auch keine Freundschaftsanfragen verschicken.
Sie haben PES 2015, wir spielen das in einer Onlineliga, daher ist es übersichtlicher wenn man sehen kann wer online ist. Anfangs konnten sie auch Anfragen stellen, jetzt nur noch annehmen.