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Castle Crashers Problem


Cadet 4th Year
Feb. 2007

Habe dass Problem dass wenn ich mit meinen Freunden zocke und dann
aufhöre und z.b am nächsten tag wieder zocke sind die charaktere wieder auf null zurückgesetzt.
dann dürfen wir immer wieder von vorne anfangen und kommen nicht richtig weiter
woran liegt dass ?
hatt sonst noch jemand dieses problem ?
Vielleicht hilft dir das weiter bzw klärt es zumindest auf:
All users experienced problems finding available online games, as well as their Xbox 360 freezing whenever attempting to join an Xbox Live game. The official website was down not long after launch, with the developer blog being gone completely, due to flooding of Behemoth's server. In addition to multiplayer problems, the game can also occasionally suffer from corrupted save files, causing players to lose character progress. A temporary fix for the disappearing saves that works about 90% of the time is to sign out and sign back in once the game has started.

In an interview with Joystiq, Tom Fulp and Dan Paladin of the Behemoth stated that they were working with Microsoft to get a patch released as soon as possible in order to fix the issues.[8]

"There are certain network settings," said Paladin, "where, if you're in a very specific network environment, it won't work with another person's connection and that's what's happening. But that's something we're already addressing by working with Microsoft to get a patch out as fast as possible." To this date a patch has not been released.