auf einmal Verbindungsabbrüche Easybox (mit Log)

Racer X

Mai 2014
Das internet lief mit unveränderten einstellungen bestimmt 12 Monate, wenn nicht noch länger. Es hat sich seitdem auch nichts an den einstellungen geändert. Seit vorgestern (03.4.15) habe ich hier regelmäsig verbindungsabbrüche. Hatte auch eine unbekannte IP im Router Log. Daraufhin habe ich erstmal einen MacFilter eingerichtet und somit die unbekannte IP ausgesperrt. Trotzdem besteht das Problem der andauernden Verbindungsabbrüche.

Es handelt sich hier um eine DSL-EasyBox 803 A mit Firmware Version:30.05.219

Hier mal der Router log. Ich habe mal dick markiert was mir so aufgefallen ist.
04/05/2015 17:58:44 If(PPPoE1) PPP connection ok !
04/05/2015 17:58:43 If(PPPoE1) get secondary DNS IP:
04/05/2015 17:58:43 If(PPPoE1) get primary DNS IP:
04/05/2015 17:58:43 If(PPPoE1) get IP:
04/05/2015 17:58:43 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:43 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:43 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:43 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:43 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:43 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
04/05/2015 17:58:41 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
04/05/2015 17:58:41 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
04/05/2015 17:58:41 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:58:41 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:41 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:41 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:41 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:41 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:41 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
04/05/2015 17:58:39 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
04/05/2015 17:58:39 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
04/05/2015 17:58:39 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:58:39 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:39 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:39 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:39 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:39 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:39 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
04/05/2015 17:58:37 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
04/05/2015 17:58:37 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
04/05/2015 17:58:37 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:58:37 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:37 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:37 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:37 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:37 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:37 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
04/05/2015 17:58:35 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
04/05/2015 17:58:35 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
04/05/2015 17:58:35 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:58:35 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:35 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:35 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:35 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:35 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:35 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
04/05/2015 17:58:33 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
04/05/2015 17:58:33 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
04/05/2015 17:58:33 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:58:33 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:33 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:33 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:33 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:33 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:33 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
04/05/2015 17:58:31 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
04/05/2015 17:58:31 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
04/05/2015 17:58:31 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:58:31 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:31 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:31 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:31 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:31 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:31 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
04/05/2015 17:58:29 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
04/05/2015 17:58:29 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
04/05/2015 17:58:29 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:58:29 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:29 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:28 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:28 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:28 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:28 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
04/05/2015 17:58:26 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
04/05/2015 17:58:26 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
04/05/2015 17:58:26 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:58:26 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:26 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:26 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:26 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:26 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:26 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
04/05/2015 17:58:24 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
04/05/2015 17:58:24 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
04/05/2015 17:58:24 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:58:24 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
04/05/2015 17:58:24 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
04/05/2015 17:58:24 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
04/05/2015 17:58:24 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
04/05/2015 17:58:24 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:19 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
04/05/2015 17:58:19 ADSL Media Up !
04/05/2015 17:58:10 Duplicate user login from
04/05/2015 17:57:56 Duplicate user login from
04/05/2015 17:57:53 Duplicate user login from
04/05/2015 17:57:52 Duplicate user login from
04/05/2015 17:57:51 Duplicate user login from

04/05/2015 17:57:39 If(PPPoE1) stop
04/05/2015 17:57:37 [VoIP] SIP account 1 register timeout
04/05/2015 17:57:36 If(PPPoE1) stop PPP
04/05/2015 17:57:33 ADSL Media Down !

04/05/2015 17:50:10 sending ACK to
04/05/2015 17:45:58 NTP Date/Time updated.
11/16/2012 07:48:28 Get system time from NTP server:
11/16/2012 07:48:21 If(PPPoE1) PPP connection ok !
11/16/2012 07:48:20 If(PPPoE1) get secondary DNS IP:
11/16/2012 07:48:20 If(PPPoE1) get primary DNS IP:
11/16/2012 07:48:20 If(PPPoE1) get IP:
11/16/2012 07:48:20 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
11/16/2012 07:48:20 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
11/16/2012 07:48:20 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
11/16/2012 07:48:20 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
11/16/2012 07:48:20 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
11/16/2012 07:48:20 If(PPPoE1) PPP fail : CHAP authentication failure
11/16/2012 07:48:18 If(PPPoE1) receive PADT
11/16/2012 07:48:18 If(PPPoE1) CHAP Username and Password: failed
11/16/2012 07:48:18 If(PPPoE1) stop
11/16/2012 07:48:18 If(PPPoE1) start PPP
11/16/2012 07:48:18 If(PPPoE1) receive PADS
11/16/2012 07:48:18 If(PPPoE1) send PADR
11/16/2012 07:48:18 If(PPPoE1) receive PADO
11/16/2012 07:48:18 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
11/16/2012 07:48:13 If(PPPoE1) send PADI
11/16/2012 07:48:13 ADSL Media Up !
11/16/2012 07:48:12 Duplicate user login from
11/16/2012 07:48:05 sending ACK to
11/16/2012 07:48:00 sending ACK to
11/16/2012 07:47:50 login success
11/16/2012 07:47:42 sending ACK to
11/16/2012 07:47:42 sending OFFER to
11/16/2012 07:47:42 sending ACK to

Ich hoffe ich habe jetzt nichts vergessen
in den Router kannst du dich aber einloggen oder ? wenn ja beobachte da mal die Verbindung und check mal, wie viele Geräte am System ( Router) hängen und alle die du nicht kennst kicken. Ansonsten halt mal den Kanal wechseln und und mal beobachten wann das Netzt wegbricht ( am besten notieren) und wenn diese Problem länger bleibt, so ca. 2 wochen, Netzbetreiber kontaktieren. Aus den Log einträgen kann ich nichts erkennen, am besten warten wir hier noch auf einen Spezialisten.

MfG R4sh
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja auf den Router komme ich noch. Habe ich ja schon soweit gecheckt. Und wie oben erwähnt gab es einen unbekannten eintrag in der IP Liste, diesen habe ich dann via MacFilter ausgesperrt.