Asus Memo Pad HD7 spielt keine Streams von IP Cam


Lt. Junior Grade
Mai 2007
Hallo CBler,
ich verzweifel gerade mit meinem alten Asus Memo Pad HD7.
Wir haben eine IP Cam auf die ich ohne Probleme mit Laptop Windows 10 (VLC vers. 3.0.11), Handy Pixel 2 und Pixel 4 (VLC vers. 3.2.12) aber leider kann ich von meinem Asus Pad (VLC vers. 3.2.12) nicht auf den RTSP Stream zugreifen.
Die Geräte befinden sich alle im selben Netz und können auch alle, auch das Asus Pad, auf die Website von der Cam zugreifen.
Nur der Stream lässt sich nicht abspielen...
Ich hab hier mal die Log Datei von VLC vom Asus Pad, werde selbst daraus aber nicht schlau...

I/TwilightManager( 3611): Could not get last known location. This is probably because the app does not have any location permissions. Falling back to hardcoded sunrise/sunset values.
I/Timeline( 3611): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@3bf4893b time:20678222
I/TwilightManager( 3611): Could not get last known location. This is probably because the app does not have any location permissions. Falling back to hardcoded sunrise/sunset values.
I/Timeline( 3611): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@3266b1a1 time:20680563
I/Timeline( 3611): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:org.videolan.vlc time:20683951
I/TwilightManager( 3611): Could not get last known location. This is probably because the app does not have any location permissions. Falling back to hardcoded sunrise/sunset values.
I/TwilightManager( 3611): Could not get last known location. This is probably because the app does not have any location permissions. Falling back to hardcoded sunrise/sunset values.
I/TextInputLayout( 3611): EditText added is not a TextInputEditText. Please switch to using that class instead.
I/TwilightManager( 3611): Could not get last known location. This is probably because the app does not have any location permissions. Falling back to hardcoded sunrise/sunset values.
D/VLC/medialibrary( 3611): ../src/MediaLibrary.cpp:467 media Fetching media from mrl: rtsp://
W/VLC/medialibrary( 3611): ../src/File.cpp:350 fromMrl Failed to create FS factory for path rtsp://
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7acb9030/e1b] libvlc input: Creating an input for 'rtsp://'
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7acb9030/3297] libvlc input: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7acb9030/3297] libvlc input: using default timeshift path
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7acb9030/3297] libvlc input: `rtsp://' gives access `rtsp' demux `any' path `'
D/VLC     ( 3611): [79c6eef0/3297] libvlc input source: creating demux: access='rtsp' demux='any' location='' file='(null)'
D/VLC     ( 3611): [79c6ef90/3297] libvlc demux: looking for access_demux module matching "rtsp": 7 candidates
D/VLC     ( 3611): [79c6ef90/3297] libvlc demux: version 2016.11.28
W/VLC     ( 3611): [79c6ef90/3297] libvlc demux: RTP subsession 'video/H264' failed (getsockname() error: Bad file number)
W/VLC     ( 3611): [79c6ef90/3297] libvlc demux: RTP subsession 'audio/MPA' failed (getsockname() error: Bad file number)
D/VLC     ( 3611): [79c6ef90/3297] libvlc demux: setup start: 0.000000 stop:0.000000
E/VLC     ( 3611): [79c6ef90/3297] libvlc demux: Nothing to play for rtsp://
D/VLC     ( 3611): [79c6ef90/3297] libvlc demux: no access_demux modules matched
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: creating access: rtsp://
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: looking for access module matching "rtsp": 24 candidates
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: try to open 'rtsp://'
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: connect to host ''
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: net: connecting to port 8554
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: connection succeeded (socket = 113)
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: net: opening datagram port 9320
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: net: opening datagram port 9321
E/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: Failed to setup RTSP session
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: net: connecting to port 8554
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: connection succeeded (socket = 113)
W/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: Cseq mismatch, got 1, assumed 0
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: rtsp connected
W/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: only real/helix rtsp servers supported for now
D/VLC     ( 3611): [7932a3f0/3297] libvlc stream: no access modules matched
W/art     ( 3611): Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[29,tid=12951,Native,Thread*=0x5fb1b800,peer=0x130c4220,"VlcObject"]
W/VLC/VLCApplication( 3611): ErrorMessage VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtsp://'. Check the log for details.
W/VLC/PlaylistManager( 3611): Warning: invalid next index, aborted !
D/VLC     ( 3611): [6ede4370/e1b] libvlc generic: creating audio output
D/VLC     ( 3611): [6efab6b0/e1b] libvlc audio output: looking for audio output module matching "android_audiotrack": 4 candidates
D/VLC     ( 3611): [6efab6b0/e1b] libvlc audio output: using audio output module "android_audiotrack"
D/VLC     ( 3611): [6ede4370/e1b] libvlc generic: keeping audio output
D/VLC     ( 3611): [424a4330/11fa] libvlc audio output: removing module "android_audiotrack"
D/VLC     ( 3611): [6ede4870/e1b] libvlc generic: creating audio output
D/VLC     ( 3611): [6efab530/e1b] libvlc audio output: looking for audio output module matching "android_audiotrack": 4 candidates
D/VLC     ( 3611): [6efab530/e1b] libvlc audio output: using audio output module "android_audiotrack"
D/VLC     ( 3611): [6ede4870/e1b] libvlc generic: keeping audio output
D/VLC     ( 3611): [6efab6b0/31ff] libvlc audio output: removing module "android_audiotrack"
I/Timeline( 3611): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@3266b1a1 time:20684852
I/Timeline( 3611): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:org.videolan.vlc time:20688209
I/TwilightManager( 3611): Could not get last known location. This is probably because the app does not have any location permissions. Falling back to hardcoded sunrise/sunset values.
I/TwilightManager( 3611): Could not get last known location. This is probably because the app does not have any location permissions. Falling back to hardcoded sunrise/sunset values.
I/AppCompatViewInflater( 3611): app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead.I/AppCompatViewInflater( 3611): app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead.
W/Resources( 3611): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
W/Resources( 3611): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xffffffff a=-1}
W/Resources( 3611): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x63 a=-1}
I/TwilightManager( 3611): Could not get last known location. This is probably because the app does not have any location permissions. Falling back to hardcoded sunrise/sunset values.
I/Timeline( 3611): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@27c4b39c time:20688670
W/Resources( 3611): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xffffffff a=-1}
W/Resources( 3611): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xffffffff a=-1}
I/Timeline( 3611): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:org.videolan.vlc time:20692240
I/Timeline( 3611): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@17d3355e time:20692569

Ich hatte es bei dem Asus Pad mit dem Stock Android versucht und jetzt LineageOS 12.1 drauf gemacht. Bei beiden Systemen das Selbe...
Für mich scheint es, dass das Pad eine Verbindung zu der Cam herstellt aber den Codec nicht aufrufen kann. Aber weiter weiß ich nicht.
Könnt ihr mir helfen?

Vielen Dank schon mal!!
Ergänzung ()

Ah, ich rufe den Stream mit folgendem Link auf:

Bei der Cam handelt es sich um eine Wyze Cam V2.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nein sorry leider nicht. Mal beim Hersteller gefragt ob es gewisse Voraussetzungen gibt?
Eigentlich ist der Stream von jedem Gerät abspielbar. Ich denke dass es irgendwie mit dem Codec zusammenhängt aber weiß da nicht weiter.