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Andere Everybodys Golf PS4 Charakter Aufleveln


Cadet 1st Year
Dez. 2005
Was muß man machen um bei Everybodys Golf auf der PS4 Level 15 oder vieleicht noch höher zu erreichen?
Ich meine das Level des Spielers nicht das der Golfschläger.
Habe alle Computergegner besiegt bin aber immer noch auf Level 11.
Danke für alle Antworten!
Besser werden. ;)

I made it to Level 17 after the first two 9 hole rounds I played. I went back to Level 16 on the third round and made it back up to Level 17 on the fourth.

It takes into account all of your stats (pi, fairway, gir) and how it compares to your average along with your score from that round. If any of your stats or score deviates from your average by too much you will be demoted. Initially, it is retroactive and that's why I instantly leveled up. After that, you have to be extremely consistent to maintain.

