5820k kaputt?


Lt. Junior Grade
Sep. 2008
Guten Tag,

mein 5820k verhält sich plötzlich sehr merkwürdig. Von heute auf morgen bekomme ich abstürze und ich hab folgendes gemacht. Zuerst hab ich die neuste Version von Prime 95 durchlaufen lassen also 29.4 build 8 und die Vcore Spannung mit min und max 1344k Run FFTs in Place getestet.

Ich bekomme diese Fehler angezeigt unter 3,0 Ghz Core und Cache. Spannung liegt bei 1.150 vcore und 1.150 cache voltage.
Ram ist auf 3000 mhz getaktet und die Spannung liegt bei 1,35v

Mir ist außerdem aufgefallen das Core #1 immer ausfällt und die Arbeit einstellt, das kann natürlich aber auch purer Zufall sein.

[Thu Sep 06 08:05:29 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.4969256553, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:08:56 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 4.762041301e+148, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:31:07 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.014880571e+149, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:37:08 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 5.634295885e+073, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:48:11 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 5.438977955e+073, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:52:30 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 5.652228054e+073, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:56:12 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.017388799e+149, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 09:12:48 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.556393088e+147, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.

Hat jemand eine Idee wieso die CPU auf ein mal solche Probleme macht?

Kann es am Ram liegen oder hat die CPU wirklich ein Schaden?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Was steht im .txt file?
Meinst du das?

[Thu Sep 06 03:53:30 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.4987129112, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 04:14:28 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.020479936e+149, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 04:24:21 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.020848916e+149, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 04:41:28 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.335876788e+147, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 6.32985444e+147, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.395251186e+073, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
Self-test 1344K passed!
Self-test 1344K passed!
[Thu Sep 06 04:46:37 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 5.632920687e+073, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 3.396310486e+072, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.412383283e+073, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 3.193300102e+147, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.014209038e+148, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 07:44:00 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 7.985965025e+146, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 3.147859168e+147, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 6.344140852e+147, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 2.467379987e+145, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 2.716092057e+070, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 07:49:36 2018]
Self-test 1344K passed!
Self-test 1344K passed!
Self-test 1344K passed!
Self-test 1344K passed!
Self-test 1344K passed!
Self-test 1344K passed!
Self-test 1344K passed!
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.041228059e+145, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 07:59:29 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 2.53863838e+148, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 2.52470357e+148, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 7.035609608e+072, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.003345627e+149, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 4.986678115e+145, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:05:29 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.4969256553, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:08:56 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 4.762041301e+148, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:31:07 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.014880571e+149, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:37:08 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 5.634295885e+073, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:48:11 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 5.438977955e+073, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:52:30 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 5.652228054e+073, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 08:56:12 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.017388799e+149, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Thu Sep 06 09:12:48 2018]
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 1.556393088e+147, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
Ergänzung ()

Ich hab jetzt mal den Ram so niedrig wie möglich getaktet und schaue ob der Fehler gleich nochmal auftritt.
Na was im "stress.txt" file steht.

Hast du den Speicher mal mit Memtest getestet?

The exact cause of a hardware problem can be very hard to find.

If you are not overclocking, the most likely cause is an overheating CPU
or memory DIMMs that are not quite up to spec. Another possibility is
you might need a better power supply. Try running MotherBoard monitor
and browse the forums above to see if your CPU is running too hot.
If so, make sure the heat sink is properly attached, fans are operational,
and air flow inside the case is good. For isolating memory problems, try
swapping memory DIMMs with a co-worker's or friend's machine. If the errors
go away, then you can be fairly confidant that memory was the cause of
the trouble. A power supply problem can often be identified by a significant
drop in the voltages when prime95 starts running. Once again the overclocker
forums are a good resource for what voltages are acceptable.

If you are overclocking then try increasing the core voltage, reduce the
CPU speed, reduce the front side bus speed, or change the memory timings
(CAS latency). Also try asking for help in one of the forums above - they
may have other ideas to try.

Ich glaube das ist das wichtigste was dort drin steht, wenn man ein Problem gefunden hat.

Das muss ich noch machen, werde den Speicher gleich mal durch Memtest jagen. = )

Kannst du mir eine gute Memtest Version empfehlen?
bei sowas ist eigentlich in erster linie immer der ram defekt oder falsch eingestellt und erst sekundär dann in seltenen fällen die cpu selbst
Ok gut, kannte den Inhalt vom file nicht.

Nutze allerdings auch seit Ewigkeiten kein prime mehr sondern Intel XTU oder Aida64.
Wie gesagt den Speicher mal mit Memtest prüfen. Alternativ auch mal jeden Stick einzeln Prüfen.
Ihr habt recht, es muss der Ram sein. Der Prime Test lief ohne Probleme durch mit einer DRAM Frequency von 833.4 MHz.
Jo dann viel Glück beim weiteren testen:


Evtl. mal mit etwas mehr Spannung versuchen bis 1.45V gehen im Alltag problemlos.
Bei 1.40V ist leider wieder ein Error aufgetreten. Erst mit 1.45V liefen die Ram Riegel stabil.

Danke nochmals an @d3nso <3 und @Warhead <3