Bitte um Hilfe bei Englisch Talk


Lt. Commander
Nov. 2006
Guten Tag,

ich muss morgen in Englisch ein Talk über Gewaltspiele halten, vielleicht kann mir hier jemand vom Board bei der Grammatik, Kommatasetzung weiterhelfen, da ich es nicht so in Englisch ( Grammatik )drauf hab :)

Today i'm going to / I'll talk about my articel "...."
More and more youth play video-games for example counterstrike
or doom.

Many people worry about the dangers when they play them too often.
a study says that 89% of the us teenagers are allowed to spend
as much time as they want on playing video games. It also says
that boys spend more time with consoles than girls, especially
violent games are very popular.

The Producer the produce this games
boil the pot by that. When the violent games be forbidden
than they must search a new job and ( dass ist viel stress )

My opinion is that playing video games how counter-strike is bad
than many teenagers can not differ the real life with the cyberlife
and than can be crazy because of the games on the other hand make
the producer losses, because he can not sell their produce games.

In the opinion of the national institute..... is there a strong
relationship between how youth spend their freetime and their
behaviour. But of course, these games can also have positive
consequences. yoths learn watching problems from different
views and solve them easier, in contrast to not-playing youths.
Autsch... Das liest sich ja wirklich böse (bitte nicht übel nehmen...). Mein Englisch ist zwar auch nicht immer das allerbeste, aber es reicht um einen Article zu schreiben und um zu überleben :D.

The Producer the produce this games boil the pot by that.

Was wolltest du hier sagen? Formulier das mal auf deutsch, vielleicht wird es dann klarer.

Ich würde das in etwa so schreiben:
My topic for this talk is ... / I will give you a talk concerning...
The starting point of this talk is a discussion brought out by recent discussions in the media. The youth seems to play more and more video games, especially games like Counter-Strike or Doom.

A lot of people are worried about possible dangers arising out of abusing video games. Studies in the U.S. pointed out that 89% of the teenagers were allowed to spend as much time as they want to play video games. Boys seemed to spend significant more time on playing such games as girls in the same age. Violent games are very popular among these.

*hier das war etwas zu einfach gestrickt, deswegen eine kleine Änderung ;)*
The industry behind video games has a certain economic power. Reglementations regarding violence (and so on) are supervised by a various number of federal institutions throughout the world, but a total abolishment of violent games was never taken into account.

In my opinion playing video games in a long term is not suitable for teenagers. Due to the developement of the personality in these ages, problems may come up to differ between reality and virtuality.

But there is not just the negative side. Playing video games might also build up other abilities, like solving problems in a different way respectively taking other strategies to get a quicker result.

Du solltest das noch etwas überarbeiten und mehr "Fleisch" einarbeiten, sowie den Schluß etwas handfester formulieren.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: (Bug-Fix)
... was never taken into account

... Violent games are very popular ...

"build of personality" würde ich durch "developement" ersetzen

Das fiel mir bei kurzem Überfliegen auf.
Hast Recht, ich schäme mich :D War ja auch nur so aus dem Handgelenk geschüttelt. Ich habe mal geändert ^^

Ich war viel mehr damit beschäfftigt, aus den ursprünglichen Sätzen was halbwegs lesbares zu formen.
Also an den OP:
Die ersten 2 Absätze sind gar nicht schlecht. Kann man so lassen. Aber die letzten 3 kann man nicht einmal verbessern. Die kannst du alle wegschmeißen. Aber Kopf hoch, kommt alles noch.

Und an Götterwind:
Vom Wortschatz / Wortwahl super. Könnt ich nicht so gut. Jedoch hab ich mich viel mit Zeiten beschäftigt und da hab ich nen Fehler gefunden:
but a total abolishment of violent games was never taken into account.
but a total abolishment of violent games has never been taken into account.

Ansonsten super!
also in englisch nehmen wir als einführungssatz immer: "today, i tell you something about..."

My opinion is that playing video games how counter-strike is bad
than many teenagers can not differ the real life with the cyberlife
and than can be crazy because of the games on the other hand make
the producer losses, because he can not sell their produce games.

den teil würde ich auch nochmal umschreiben:

in my opinion, playing video games like counterstrike isn't good because many teenagers can not (unterscheiden glaub ich nicht "differ" oder?) the real between the unreal life. (den folgenden satz würde ich komplett ändern) it could end like in emstetten when a teenager tried to killed some pupils of his old school. but when this games are abolished, many people would lose their job, because the producers wouldn't sell any games.

also ich habe seit 4 jahren englisch, schreibe aber wirklich nicht gut... ich denke aber, dass man es so schreiben könnte.

aber mal als frage; wie lange soll dein vortrag denn dauern?
Götterwind hat den Absatz doch schon neu verfasst. Lediglich die Erwähnung der Verluste könnte man noch wie im Ursprung erwähnen.

Due to specific reglementations in some countries, the cost of production would raise up. On the other hand, producers could decide to stop to supply their markets with violence glamorizing games - and maybe set their hopes in transnational (and probably illegal) sales.

Schmückt das ganze noch ein wenig aus, aber aber nicht das Englisch-Niveau der Texte von Götterwind :D

edit: verbessert ;)
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