Is my PSU not enough because of corsair


Juli 2022
  • Prozessor (CPU): Ryzen 9 5900x
  • Arbeitsspeicher (RAM): Vengeance RGB Pro 4 x 8 3600mhz
  • Mainboard: Asus B550 gaming F
  • Netzteil: BeQuiet 750w
  • Gehäuse: 8auer LianLi
  • Grafikkarte: RX 6800 xt
  • HDD / SSD: 4tb western digital HDD, 1TB Samsung M2 SSD, 1Tb no name HDD
  • Monitor: Samsung G9 Odyssey
My problem is that my Pc performs really bad in some games, for example stray i get around 90fps but the game just isn't smooth and feels like 30 fps. Since I got 9 Corsair RGB fans with an RGB water loop from corsair which is all connected with 1 LL nabe and one commander pro I hope that the problem is that I dont have enough power in some games in which my cpu is also used to its full lengths which would result in more power consumption and leading the PSU to run out. My Pc does not shut down it judt keeps performing really bad.

I already did a clean install of the OS 2 times. Tried working with the amd software to overclock my system (which worked fine) my gpu keeps a stable 2500mhz but sometimes clocks down to 500 in some games and then it stutters, I deactivated all Amd options in the driver.

My last thought is that my GPU is bad and thst I have to send it back but thats the last step I want to take.
Teste doch mal ohne die Lüfter. Achja und welches Netzteil hast du genau?
BrotPizza schrieb:
Prozessor (CPU): Ryzen 9 5900x
Arbeitsspeicher (RAM): Vengeance RGB Pro 4 x 8 3600mhz
Are you sure that this combination is running correctly/stable?

BrotPizza schrieb:
I already did a clean install of the OS 2 times. Tried working with the amd software to overclock my system (which worked fine) my gpu keeps a stable 2500mhz but sometimes clocks down to 500 in some games and then it stutters, I deactivated all Amd options in the driver.
Which games and resolution? Maybe this is because of the agressive power saving RDNA2 is popular for.
BrotPizza schrieb:
Tried working with the amd software to overclock my system (which worked fine) my gpu keeps a stable 2500mhz but sometimes clocks down to 500 in some games and then it stutters, I deactivated all Amd options in the driver.

I think, you already found the problem. If the Card clocks down, you should check when and why (different game?).
Maybe stop overclocking, as this can have an impact too.
Instead of playing around with all options, i would just clean install the driver and let it be in the default state - as it works for >99,9999% of the people.

If you really want to check your fans, just disconnect them and try - should be done in under 5 min!
Your Title should have been:
BrotPizza schrieb:
My problem is that my Pc performs really bad in some games

And not your own Solution to your Problem.
So for your Problem use These Threads to get a grasp of what is going on:

Also to make any educated guess what really is going on and maybe not running like it should with the Hardware, you have Postet way to few Informations about what ist going on.

Und warum schreibst du Englisch, wenn du doch BrotPizza bist? :D
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