

Lt. Junior Grade
Juli 2017
Hi. PC:
14900K stock with NZXT kraken elite 360, 2x16GB DDR5 6800,rtx 4090,Seasonic Px 1600,SSD 2TB,Aorus Z790 Elite X.

I have an question about crashes with faulting module: nvgpucomp64.dll.

When my cpu was not stable ,game Remnant 2 was crashing with faulting module: nvgpucomp64.dll.
But i tweak in bios settings and game is stable.
But now i have found in event viewer some crashes related to : "SearchHost" or "XboxGamebar etc" and faulting module is too nvgpucomp64.dll.

So is my cpu still not stable or just ignore that errors with SearchHost and XboxGamebar. Thx. And why nvgpucomp64.dll the same.
nvgpucomp64.dll sounds rather related to your graphics card. Try to re-install the driver. Download the latest one and, during setup, choose "New Installation" (don't know how this is called exactly). This should remove the old driver first, and then install the new one.
But when my cpu was not stable it was crashing Remnant 2 with the same module.
nvgpucomp64 is a component of the nvidia GPU driver. Please first try Matutin's suggestion.
If that does not help, the next step should be to make sure that in BIOS no auto-overclocking is active for the CPU and RAM and that RAM Speeds are manually set to the actual speed of the RAM. If you dont know your RAM Speeds, choose the lowest available speed.
So even if games not crashing but something in background can be related to cpu?
can you please rephrase/correct that question ?
If games are stable. But if i found errors in event logs with nvgpucomp64.dll can cpu not stable?
Not every fault causes a bluescreen.
AFAIK one and the same driver-module can reside in multiple protection-rings at the same time, but only if the part that resides in the 0-ring causes a fault you will see a real blue-screen.

I have read through your previous Thread on CB, i strongly suggest you check daily for BIOS and driver updates, as the situation with Intels latest Fxxx-up with the latest Gen is still developing.
Be patient and hope for the best or go Team-Red :p
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ok i installed older drivers and no errors. Just happened on this newest.
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