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Nächstes Total War Spiel - Spekulationen

Neues Generationen KI-System: Entwickelt nach Sun Tzu's Prinzipien in der Kunst des Krieges, analysiert die KI ständig die Lage und reagiert auf jede Bewegung mit großer Präzision und Vielfalt.

da bin ich mal gespannt ;) ,
Ich auch. Bei allen Spielen, in denen mit Nahkampfwaffen gekämpft wird, konnte man immer dieselben Taktiken anwenden und haushoch gewinnen (meist 10+:1). Von der verkorksten Wegfindung fang ich gar nicht erst an.
Neue Charakter Staffelung: Wählen Sie aus 9 verschiedenen Clans und konkurrieren Sie on- und offline um die unbestrittene Vorherrschaft des mittelalterlichen Japan. Sammeln Sie Erfahrung, um Ihren eigenen Charakter-Kriegsherr sowie Generäle und Agenten zu leveln.

Wie es aussieht wird es nur Japan basiert sein, leider kein Korea, Mongolei, China, Indien, etc.
Aus deiner Liste sollte man aber Indien streichen... die hatten mit Japan niemals richtig was zu schaffen, außer dem Seidenhandel und das nur eher spärlich, da alles hauptsächlich über China/Korea lief. Gut die Mongolen eroberten China und Korea und haben zwei mal versucht Japan zu erobern. Aber ob die Landfläche sich so massiv ausdehnt... naja vielleicht per Addon... alles Spekulation.

Ansonsten werden aber mit ziemlicher Warscheinlichkeit noch die Gaijin (Höllander, Portugiesen bzw. Spanier und die Engländer) im Spiel eine Rolle spielen, kommt halt darauf an, was das (standard) Endjahr ist.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hm, shogun 2. kenne das erste nicht, aber das setting find ich jetzt nicht so prickelnd. mich interessieren weder die asiatische geschichte noch die einheiten sehr.
Na wenn das nicht wieder so einfach und stupide wie Empire wird... Ich hoffe es ja mal nicht! ;)
Irgendwie werden zurzeit alle Spiele zu einfach/simpel wo man nurnoch wenig denken muss...

btw: Den Thread könnte man auch mal auf "Shogun 2: Total War" Umbenennen
Super, dann kann ich mich ja auch 2013 freuen wenn ROME 2 kommt :freak:

Sry aber wie die auf den Schmarn kommen weis ich nun wirklich nicht, jede Umfrage etc die mir bekannt ist tendiert mehr als deutlich zu ROME ...
Tja, jedem kann man es nunmal nicht recht machen ;)


o·yasumi nasai!
Dem größten Teil aber schon - nämlich mit Rome 2.
Aber ich lass mich gerne von einem total guten Shogun überraschen.
Mal sehen, der erste Teil ist ein bisschen an mir vorbeigegangen, hoffentlich kommt mal wieder ein tolles Total War Spiel raus.
Es kennen mehr Leute Rome, als Shogun. Daher voten dann auch alle Rome > Shogun.

Ich jedenfalls finde japanisches Setting besser.

Aber im Grunde kommt es bloß darauf an, ob sie es gebacken bekommen :)
Ich mag das auch sehr gerne, aber doch eher in Rollenspielen, bei dem Total War Szenarien, bevorzuge ich dann doch eindeutig eher das ROME setting..

Aber ist mir nun auch egal, ich kann es eh nicht ändern und boykottieren genau so wenig, sonnst haben sie keine Geld mehr für ROME 2 :freak:
Mir ist es eigentlich egal was für ein Setting, ich hoff nur das es wieder wieder Medieval-Like wird. Schwerer,
anspruchsvoller. Nicht wie ein HoI3, aber dennoch strategiesch mit hier und da getüftel.
Ich bin immer noch für ne Neuauflage von Rome Total War.
Mit richtig guter Grafik und so....wär echt der Hamma!
Könnte ein Mod den Threadtitel bitte ändern z.B. in "Shogun 2: Total War - Sammelthread"? Danke!
Ich freu mich :)
Über Rome 2 würd ich mich wohl genauso freuen. Eigentlich über alles was Total War ist ;)
Hier mal der Link für die Total War Seite ;) Klick mich
Die Bilder die bisher hochgestellt wurden sehen ganz gut aus ...

Gruß TotalWar10

Edit: Hier mal nen paar Grundinfos zu dem Spiel :

Setting and gameplay:
- 16th century Japan: Japanese civil war with different factions fighting for power in fuedal Japan. According to PC GAMER the game will start in 1540.
- 8 different warlords/clans not counting a 9th tutorial clan, each with their unique starting position and policital and military strenghts.IGN also mentions Takeda Shingen and Chosokabe Motochika.
- Smaller unit rosters: 30-40 basic units (20 or so per faction ). (IGN.)
- Scope:
We see the perception here. 'If it's not the whole world its not big'.

Try and imagine a vast string of islands from a feudal mindset.

Imagine your single province defended only against your rebellious neighbors.

Imagine an entire grand campaign map dedicated to a single country, a place where just a few miles to the east was a mountain range, shrouded in mist and run by a fearsome enemy or perhaps rolling rice plains able to supply you with vital resources if you could just reach out and take them...Beyond that? Only the darkness of uncharted territory and the promise of Kyoto.

Your armies would march for days and weeks to move across provinces. Imagine the sa***e mountain peaks and the rolling rice plains that create natural choke points and defensible positions. Imagine each conquest really feeling like a conquest, like you and your small band of warriors fought and won your latest prize allowing you to grow an army, and a reputation with it. Coastline stretching alongside you as you march into the unrevealed mists of rebel lands, seeking only glory and the title of Shogun.

The Japanese creation story is that the Gods dipped a spear into the ocean and as the water dropped from its point into the sea, it formed the islands of Japan. It is massive, and it is epic.

- Sengoku-pedia: A full knowledge base of the in game units and technologies, along with historical facts and information relevant to the players experience. Know what works against your enemies, how and why. (PC POWERPLAY.)

" ...for example, first contact with Europeans saw the introduction of Christianity and later the first large-scale use of firearms in Japanese armies. This opens up lots of interesting gameplay choices for the player that are unique to this specific period."
From this quote we can deduce that there will be firearms.

- The emperor is represented in the game. Controlling the emperor as a puppet is a bit like controlling the papacy in MTW.

Graphics, presentation and performance:
- Animations: The units in Shogun 2 have a total of 52 different bones, which is a nearly 25% increase over those in previous Total War games. Animations were captured by professional Japanese martial arts practitioners. (IGN.)
Hero units have unique animations.

- STWII will support up to 56.000 units in a single battle with a 30 unit cap in stead of the usually 20. (IGN.)

Gameplay and AI:
- AI based on the principles of Sun Tzu's: The Art of War.
- Kieran promises naval invasions will be present day 1
- There will be ninja-esque techniques in battlefield scenarios

- Hero units:
Hero Units: - These are not one man armies that destroy everything that opposes them. These are highly ranked elite units, available at the top of the tech tree who exemplify a mastery of a given martial technique (E.g. sword fighting). They are able to take on other heroes, and are naturally very powerful against groups of enemies but are not invincible game-changers. These figures are also based on true historical accounts of great fighters who founded schools of combat, not myths that take on whole armies and win.
- Emphasis on character and story: Characters can be given upgrades as they develop. This makes it easier to get attached to certain characters. According to PC GAMER you can upgrade some character skills as you please as opposed to traits you gain automatically.

- Fog of war: In a battle sequence horse troops were moved into mists and behind a hill with a forest to attack behind enemy lines and the opposing army did not even notice. (EUROGAMER)

- Unit variation: The low unit count has also allowed the team to focus on customisation options, with each clan, and each unit, being open to a variety of player customisations. "The kind of variations which might have been different unit types in previous games end up being one unit type that you can choose a specialisation for. (EUROGAMER)

- Sieges:
Castles will have unique qualities based on the situation and enviroment of their construction. (IGN)
IGN: The stacked pagoda structures of Japan allow sieges to play out in stages, with attackers and defenders moving from wall to wall and from tower to tower. This gives both sides of a battle more options than simply waiting for a hole to appear in the outer defenses and then just cramming as many men as possible around it.
Morale boosting buildings, capturing temples on the battlefield offers reward: battlefields will feature structures that will influence the men as they fight. Protect or capture shrines or temples, or indeed burn those of your enemy, to dictate the morale of troops on the battlefield. (PC POWERPLAY.)

According to PC POWERPLAY sieges are played out in different stages. You'll need to get from the outer walls to the center of the keep or courtyard.

- Naval battles are back according ot IGN.
Land will also be present during the naval battles, not as a contestable space, but as a means of orienting players.The ships themselves will have unique roles and levels of aggression, so there's a rock-paper-scissors element to fighting at sea.
For the first time ever Shogun 2 Total War combines land and sea battles. Navigate the island coast of Japan, using the coast, mist and the elements against your enemy. Use ships to create choke points and to engage as the land dictates.

One thing to emphasise is that the way naval battles were fought in Japan during this period is very different from the bigger-is-better artillery-fests of the 18th century European contests represented in Empire. Japanese ships of the era were full of samurai swordsmen and archers, so we’re focusing a lot on boarding systems and stone-scissors-paper interplay between different ship types
. (CA Mark)

- Reintroduction of night battles. (IGN)
- Pre- battle speeches: IGN and PC POWERPLAY confirm this. The speeches would have an effect on the armies they're leading. The speeches would be very situational with over a 100.000 different speeches.
- New battlefield terrain system: PC POWERPLAY mentions a new battlefield terrain system that would make each battle feel unique. The four seasons are fully represented in the battles.
- New historical landbattles: (PC POWERPLAY but I suppose we can take this for a fact )

Campaign map:
- Hilly campaign map with many chokepoints and maneuver strategies.
- Importance of honour, treachery, clan & family, and many other aspects of being a warlord in feudal Japan will be translated in the campaign map. We can expect a whole new cast of agents. (CA)
- Provinces can give special bonuses according to Eurogamer. I imagine these to be like the bonuses in the first Shogun which give factions a different character.

Music and sound:
- Jeff is back, according to Keiran.
- CA is using original weapons on original materials for the sound effects (IGN).

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