News Kommt AMDs „Deneb“ im C2-Stepping?

Hab nebenbei eine andere Frage, The Inquirer kann man wohl kaum vertrauen schenken oder? Ich meine wenn ich mir das durchlese:
Deneb sighting, core blimey

Up to 4.4GHz​

A SMALL SITE reports a big sighting of AMD's upcoming 45nm Phenom FX Deneb core. says here are two chips in AMD's pipeline, the FX-80 at 4GHz and the FX-82 at 4.4GHz.

And according to the numbers the sits has its mitts on, the FX-80 at stock out performs a 5.0GHz Kentsfield.

The chip will come with 6MB of L3 cache and, being FX flavoured, should be completely unlocked and over-clocking friendly. µ​

Schwachsinn oder? Ich warte nämlich gespannt auf die Neulinge.