Fehler in CoreCycle aber nicht in Prime


März 2008
Kurze Frage bezüglich eurer Erfahrungen.

Ich bekomme auf Kern 1 im CoreCycler eine Fehlermeldung. Die CPU läuft auf Stock, kein XMP, kein PBO (deaktiviert).

Lasse ich die CPU nur mit Prime testen, gibt es keine Fehler.

Jemand eine Ahnung was das sein könnte?
Lohnt eine Reklamation?

Der Rechner läuft ansonsten stabil. Spiele laufen einwandfrei.
Ich würde reklamieren. Prime ist Vollast und CoreCycler Teillast mit maximalem Boost.

Eine CPU muss stabil laufen. Sofern kein XMP aktiviert ist ist dein 5800X wohl defekt. WHEA-Einträge in der Ereignisanzeige vorhanden?
Core Cycler nutzt ebenfalls Prime, der Unterschied ist, dass der CoreCycler (je nach Einstellung) andere Größen testet als es bei Prime der Fall ist.

Außerdem ist beim Core Cycler auch eingestellt, dass die Last kurz entfernt wird um Lastwechsel zu simulieren.

Also ohne genaue Settings kann man nicht wirklich hilfreich sein.
Gab letzt nen Fall, wo Ein Antivirus die Fehler verursacht hat. Es sah nach defekter Hardware aus, ein Test unter einem Live Linux um die restliche Softwarelandschaft auszuschließen zeigte, das dort alles sauber lief.

Das testen mit dem ausschlussverfahren führte dann auf den Antivirus als verursacher der Fehlberechnungen.

Edit: nur als zusätzliche Anregung (es ging auch um Prime, da gibts ja eine Linux version auch hier auf cb
kartoffelpü schrieb:
Mal ein Zitat von der Downloadseite:

Und das ist der Thread zum Script: https://www.computerbase.de/forum/t...en-der-curve-optimizer-einstellungen.2009519/

Vielleicht kann sich ja @sp00n.82 einen Reim drauf machen.
Habe mit ihm schon Kontakt.

Das System läuft, wie gesagt, stabil und WHEA-Fehler gibt es keine

Das ist die Fehlermeldung.

Screenshot 2022-05-06 232204.png
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ok, um das in Prime95 manuell nachzustellen, solltest du diese Settings eingeben:


Und dann wie bereits in der PM erwähnt und hier beschrieben die prime95.exe nur auf dem entsprechendem Core laufen lassen.

Laut der Fehlermeldung wäre das "CPU 2" im Task Manager.
Den Lastwechsel kannst du allerdings nur schwer manuell nachstellen.
Danke, dann probiere ich das mal
playerthreeone schrieb:
Weil irgendein Frickeltool nicht läuft? Really?
AMD hat mir 2 CPUs mit der Fehlerbeschreibung getauscht. Wieso auch nicht?

Lastwechsel und Single-Thread-Belastung sind die Schwachstellen moderner CPUs, nicht All-Core-Last.

Es gibt einige 5000er Ryzen, die ab Werk nicht stabil laufen.
Wie bist du vorgegangen um die CPU zu tauschen?
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Evgasüchtiger
alan_Shore schrieb:
Wie bist du vorgegangen um die CPU zu tauschen?
Wo hast du die CPU gekauft?

Wenn Dein Bios aktuell ist, keinerlei OC aktiviert (also auch nicht XMP) und dein System komplett @stock läuft, dann dem Händler schreiben, dass deine CPU nicht stabil läuft unter kompletten Werkseinstellungen.

Oder bei AMD direkt eine RMA eröffnen. Je nach Händler könnte das aber länger dauern.
Es ist alles irgendwie seltsam. Nachdem ich Aida64 ausgeschaltet habe, lief CC 7 Iterationen fehlerfrei durch, selbst mit pBO und aktiviertem XMP, der 8 Durchlauf brachte wieder den gleichen Fehler auf dem gleichen Prozessor.

Werde jetzt einzeln testen wie oben empfohlen.

Da der Rechner in allen Spielen perfekt läuft, über Stunden, COD CW, Anno 1800, GotG usw. Keine BoD oder WHea kommen, ist das alles zu vernachlässigen. Der Aufwand des zurückschickens ist es glaube ich nicht wert.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Dome87
Dome87 schrieb:
Wo hast du die CPU gekauft?

Wenn Dein Bios aktuell ist, keinerlei OC aktiviert (also auch nicht XMP) und dein System komplett @stock läuft, dann dem Händler schreiben, dass deine CPU nicht stabil läuft unter kompletten Werkseinstellungen.

Oder bei AMD direkt eine RMA eröffnen. Je nach Händler könnte das aber länger dauern.
Mindfactory, da habe ich Sie gekauft.

Update: Also, ich glaube, dass der CC irgendwo etwas verschluckt. Prime95, Cinebench32 und auch MEMTEST laufen tadellos, bringen keine Fehler und bringen die Werte die das System liefern soll und die Spiele laufen auch tadellos. Ich vergeude keine Zeit mehr. Die CPU scheint in Ordnung zu sein.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hänge hier mal die Logs von CoreCycler und von Prime95 an, der Pfad dorthin wird im Konsolenfenster ausgegeben.
Wie gesagt, CoreCycler simuliert ja auch einen Lastwechsel, den du manuell nicht so einfach nachstellen kannst. Da könnte es durchaus Probleme geben.

Wenn du weiter Zeit vergeuden möchtest (;)), könntest du theoretisch diesen Lastwechsel in der config.ini auch deaktivieren, dazu das Setting suspendPeriodically auf 0 stellen.
Und wenn es immer der gleiche Kern ist, kannst du das Testen auch auf nur diesen Kern beschränken, am einfachsten geht das über coreTestOrder. Wenn es also z.B. Kern 1 ist, der immer den Fehler auswirft, dann dort einfach coreTestOrder = 1 eintragen, dann testet er ausschließlich diesen Kern.
+ Trying to get the localized performance counter names
+ ID of "Process": 230
+ ID of "ID Process": 784
+ ID of "% Processor Time": 6
+ Getting the localized name for "Process" with ID "230"
+ The localized name for "Process": Prozess
+ Getting the localized name for "ID Process" with ID "784"
+ The localized name for "ID Process": Prozesskennung
+ Getting the localized name for "% Processor Time" with ID "6"
+ The localized name for "% Processor Time": Prozessorzeit (%)
+ FullName: \Prozess(*)\Prozesskennung
+ SearchString: \\Prozesskennung$
+ ReplaceString: \Prozessorzeit (%)
+ Initalizing the stress test program
+ Checking if prime95.exe exists at:
+ C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
-------------- CoreCycler v0.8.2.5 started at 2022-05-07 16:22:01 --------------
Log Level set to: ......... 2 [Writing debug messages to log file]
Stress test program: ...... PRIME95
Selected test mode: ....... SSE
Logical/Physical cores: ... 16 logical / 8 physical cores
Hyperthreading / SMT is: .. ON
Selected number of threads: 1
Runtime per core: ......... 6 MINUTES
Suspend periodically: ..... DISABLED
Restart for each core: .... OFF
Test order of cores: ...... 1
Number of iterations: ..... 10000
Selected FFT size: ........ HUGE (8960K - 32768K)

The log files for this run are stored in:
- CoreCycler: CoreCycler_2022-05-07_16-21-58_PRIME95_SSE.log
- Prime95: Prime95_2022-05-07_16-21-58_SSE_HUGE_FFT_8960K-32768K.txt

+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+ Trying to get the stress test program window handler
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 16:22:02 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Self-Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 2165396
+ ProcessId: 12496
+ Process Path: C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS):C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Self-Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 2165396
+ ProcessId: 12496
+ Process Path: C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS):C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Main window handler: 2165396
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 12496
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 12496
+ The Performance Process Counter Path for the ID:
+ \\nexcomterminal\prozess(prime95)\prozesskennung
+ The Performance Process Counter Path for the Time:
+ \\nexcomterminal\prozess(prime95)\Prozessorzeit (%)
+ The current affinity of the process: 65535
+ All cores that could be tested: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
+ The preliminary test order: 1

16:22:04 - Iteration 1
+ Custom test order selected, keeping the test array...
+ The final test order: 1
+ Still available cores: 1
+ The selected core to test: 1
16:22:04 - Set to Core 1 (CPU 2)
+ Setting the affinity to 4
+ Successfully set the affinity to 4
Running for 6 minutes...
+ 16:22:04 - Getting new log file entries
+ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+ 16:22:14 - checking CPU usage: 6.15%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4676 MHz (123.02%)
+ 16:22:15 - Getting new log file entries
+ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+ 16:22:25 - checking CPU usage: 6.17%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4693 MHz (123.47%)
+ 16:22:26 - Getting new log file entries
+ Getting new log entries starting at position 0 / Line 0
+ The new log file entries:
+ - [Line 1] [Sat May 7 16:22:21 2022]
+ - [Line 2] Self-test 8960K passed!
+ New file position: 53 / Line 2
+ 16:22:37 - checking CPU usage: 6.32%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4714 MHz (124.01%)
+ 16:22:42 - Getting new log file entries
+ Getting new log entries starting at position 53 / Line 2
+ The new log file entries:
+ - [Line 3] Self-test 9216K passed!
+ New file position: 78 / Line 3
+ 16:22:52 - checking CPU usage: 6.35%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4751 MHz (124.99%)
+ 16:22:53 - Getting new log file entries
+ No file size change for the log file
+ 16:23:03 - checking CPU usage: 6.18%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4715 MHz (124.04%)
+ 16:23:04 - Getting new log file entries
+ Getting new log entries starting at position 78 / Line 3
+ The new log file entries:
+ - [Line 4] Self-test 9600K passed!
+ New file position: 103 / Line 4
+ 16:23:14 - checking CPU usage: 6.35%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4713 MHz (123.98%)
+ 16:23:15 - Getting new log file entries
+ No file size change for the log file
+ 16:23:25 - checking CPU usage: 6.23%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4741 MHz (124.74%)
+ 16:23:26 - Getting new log file entries
+ Getting new log entries starting at position 103 / Line 4
+ The new log file entries:
+ - [Line 5] [Sat May 7 16:23:23 2022]
+ - [Line 6] Self-test 10240K passed!
+ New file position: 157 / Line 6
+ 16:23:36 - checking CPU usage: 6.22%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4712 MHz (123.96%)
+ 16:23:38 - Getting new log file entries
+ No file size change for the log file
+ 16:23:48 - checking CPU usage: 0%
+ 16:23:48 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ Process Id: 12496
+ 16:23:48 - checking CPU usage again (#1): 0%
+ still not enough usage (#1)
+ 16:23:48 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ Process Id: 12496
+ 16:23:48 - checking CPU usage again (#2): 0%
+ still not enough usage (#2)
+ 16:23:48 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ Process Id: 12496
+ 16:23:48 - checking CPU usage again (#3): 0%
+ still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error with the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 16:24:02 - The stress test program is Prime95, trying to look for an error message in the results.txt
+ 16:24:02 - Getting new log file entries
+ Getting new log entries starting at position 157 / Line 6
+ The new log file entries:
+ - [Line 7] FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
+ - [Line 8] Hardware failure detected running 10752K FFT size, consult stress.txt file.
+ New file position: 289 / Line 8
+ 16:24:02
+ Now found an error in the new entries of the results.txt!
ERROR: 16:24:02
ERROR: Prime95 seems to have stopped with an error!
ERROR: At Core 1 (CPU 2)
ERROR MESSAGE: FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
ERROR: The last passed FFT size before the error was: 10240K
ERROR: Unfortunately FFT size fail detection only works for Smallest, Small or Large FFT sizes.
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:
+ - [Line 3] Self-test 9600K passed!
+ - [Line 4] [Sat May 7 16:23:23 2022]
+ - [Line 5] Self-test 10240K passed!
+ - [Line 6] FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
+ - [Line 7] Hardware failure detected running 10752K FFT size, consult stress.txt file.

+ There has been some error in Test-ProcessUsage, checking (#1)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+ Prime95 closed
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
16:24:02 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+ Trying to get the stress test program window handler
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 16:24:03 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Self-Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 2230932
+ ProcessId: 1404
+ Process Path: C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS):C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Self-Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 2230932
+ ProcessId: 1404
+ Process Path: C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS):C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Main window handler: 2230932
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 1404
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 1404
+ The Performance Process Counter Path for the ID:
+ \\nexcomterminal\prozess(prime95)\prozesskennung
+ The Performance Process Counter Path for the Time:
+ \\nexcomterminal\prozess(prime95)\Prozessorzeit (%)
The following cores have thrown an error: 1
+ ----------------------------------
+ Iteration complete
+ ----------------------------------
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+ Prime95 closed
16:24:05 - All Cores have thrown an error, aborting!

------ Summary ------
The script ran for 02 minutes, 06 seconds
The following cores have thrown an error:
- 1


  • Prime95_2022-05-07_16-21-58_SSE_HUGE_FFT_8960K-32768K.txt
    289 Bytes · Aufrufe: 168
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
+ Trying to get the localized performance counter names
+ ID of "Process": 230
+ ID of "ID Process": 784
+ ID of "% Processor Time": 6
+ Getting the localized name for "Process" with ID "230"
+ The localized name for "Process": Prozess
+ Getting the localized name for "ID Process" with ID "784"
+ The localized name for "ID Process": Prozesskennung
+ Getting the localized name for "% Processor Time" with ID "6"
+ The localized name for "% Processor Time": Prozessorzeit (%)
+ FullName: \Prozess(*)\Prozesskennung
+ SearchString: \\Prozesskennung$
+ ReplaceString: \Prozessorzeit (%)
+ Initalizing the stress test program
+ Checking if prime95.exe exists at:
+ C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
-------------- CoreCycler v0.8.2.5 started at 2022-05-08 01:06:50 --------------
Log Level set to: ......... 2 [Writing debug messages to log file]
Stress test program: ...... PRIME95
Selected test mode: ....... SSE
Logical/Physical cores: ... 16 logical / 8 physical cores
Hyperthreading / SMT is: .. ON
Selected number of threads: 1
Runtime per core: ......... 6 MINUTES
Suspend periodically: ..... DISABLED
Restart for each core: .... OFF
Test order of cores: ...... 1
Number of iterations: ..... 10000
Selected FFT size: ........ HUGE (8960K - 32768K)

The log files for this run are stored in:
- CoreCycler: CoreCycler_2022-05-08_01-06-46_PRIME95_SSE.log
- Prime95: Prime95_2022-05-08_01-06-46_SSE_HUGE_FFT_8960K-32768K.txt

+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+ Trying to get the stress test program window handler
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 01:06:51 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Self-Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 68096
+ ProcessId: 20272
+ Process Path: C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS):C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Self-Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 68096
+ ProcessId: 20272
+ Process Path: C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS):C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Main window handler: 68096
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 20272
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 20272
+ The Performance Process Counter Path for the ID:
+ \\nexcomterminal\prozess(prime95)\prozesskennung
+ The Performance Process Counter Path for the Time:
+ \\nexcomterminal\prozess(prime95)\Prozessorzeit (%)
+ The current affinity of the process: 65535
+ All cores that could be tested: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
+ The preliminary test order: 1

01:06:53 - Iteration 1
+ Custom test order selected, keeping the test array...
+ The final test order: 1
+ Still available cores: 1
+ The selected core to test: 1
01:06:53 - Set to Core 1 (CPU 2)
+ Setting the affinity to 4
+ Successfully set the affinity to 4
Running for 6 minutes...
+ 01:06:53 - Getting new log file entries
+ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+ 01:07:03 - checking CPU usage: 6.3%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4676 MHz (123.01%)
+ 01:07:09 - Getting new log file entries
+ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+ 01:07:19 - checking CPU usage: 6.24%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4642 MHz (122.12%)
+ 01:07:20 - Getting new log file entries
+ Getting new log entries starting at position 0 / Line 0
+ The new log file entries:
+ - [Line 1] [Sun May 8 01:07:10 2022]
+ - [Line 2] Self-test 8960K passed!
+ New file position: 53 / Line 2
+ 01:07:30 - checking CPU usage: 6.26%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4640 MHz (122.06%)
+ 01:07:31 - Getting new log file entries
+ Getting new log entries starting at position 53 / Line 2
+ The new log file entries:
+ - [Line 3] Self-test 9216K passed!
+ New file position: 78 / Line 3
+ 01:07:41 - checking CPU usage: 6.11%
+ ...current CPU frequency: ~4675 MHz (123.01%)
+ 01:07:42 - Getting new log file entries
+ No file size change for the log file
+ 01:07:52 - checking CPU usage: 0%
+ 01:07:52 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ Process Id: 20272
+ 01:07:52 - checking CPU usage again (#1): 0%
+ still not enough usage (#1)
+ 01:07:52 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ Process Id: 20272
+ 01:07:52 - checking CPU usage again (#2): 0%
+ still not enough usage (#2)
+ 01:07:52 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ Process Id: 20272
+ 01:07:52 - checking CPU usage again (#3): 0%
+ still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error with the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 01:08:07 - The stress test program is Prime95, trying to look for an error message in the results.txt
+ 01:08:07 - Getting new log file entries
+ Getting new log entries starting at position 78 / Line 3
+ The new log file entries:
+ - [Line 4] FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
+ - [Line 5] Hardware failure detected running 9600K FFT size, consult stress.txt file.
+ New file position: 209 / Line 5
+ 01:08:07
+ Now found an error in the new entries of the results.txt!
ERROR: 01:08:07
ERROR: Prime95 seems to have stopped with an error!
ERROR: At Core 1 (CPU 2)
ERROR MESSAGE: FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
ERROR: The last passed FFT size before the error was: 9216K
ERROR: Unfortunately FFT size fail detection only works for Smallest, Small or Large FFT sizes.
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:
+ - [Line 0] [Sun May 8 01:07:10 2022]
+ - [Line 1] Self-test 8960K passed!
+ - [Line 2] Self-test 9216K passed!
+ - [Line 3] FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
+ - [Line 4] Hardware failure detected running 9600K FFT size, consult stress.txt file.

+ There has been some error in Test-ProcessUsage, checking (#1)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+ Could not gracefully close Prime95, killing the process
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
01:08:07 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+ Trying to get the stress test program window handler
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 01:08:08 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Self-Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 8718090
+ ProcessId: 23672
+ Process Path: C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS):C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Self-Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 8718090
+ ProcessId: 23672
+ Process Path: C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS):C:\Users\Bjoer\Downloads\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\CoreCycler-v0.8.2.5\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Main window handler: 8718090
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 23672
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 23672
+ The Performance Process Counter Path for the ID:
+ \\nexcomterminal\prozess(prime95)\prozesskennung
+ The Performance Process Counter Path for the Time:
+ \\nexcomterminal\prozess(prime95)\Prozessorzeit (%)
The following cores have thrown an error: 1
+ ----------------------------------
+ Iteration complete
+ ----------------------------------
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+ Prime95 closed
01:08:10 - All Cores have thrown an error, aborting!

------ Summary ------
The script ran for 01 minutes, 23 seconds
The following cores have thrown an error:
- 1